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Vanity, thy name is four eyes

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Fairly Odd Mother

Frantically waving my magic wand to make wishes come true.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Vanity, thy name is four eyes

Look who really, really wants to wear glasses.


We've been to the glasses store twice---to pick out my new frames and to pick them up today--and he has been absolutely smitten with these blue frames since he put them on a few weeks ago. You should've seen the faces he was making of himself in the mirror. . .totally in love with his look.

I didn't let him keep them because I'm not buying frames for a kid who doesn't need glasses. But, don't worry D. . .with your mama's terrible eyesight, chances are pretty high that you'll be able to sport some specs soon enough.



Blogger Sabin said...

He's got style, these make his eye color just pop! He looks great!

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Obi-Mom Kenobi said...

Well of course he does, he's absolutely adorable in them!

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Boston Mamas said...

Dude, those are so much cooler than the ugly brown plastic frames I got in the 4th grade.

8:31 AM  
Blogger Whirlwind said...

Moe is constantly stealing Einey's glasses. And Meenie likes to ask "when will I be old enough for glasses?". Ahh kids!

A friend's daughter has what are called Fashion glasses and look real. So cute!

10:13 AM  
Anonymous Anne said...

I have to admit, he looks pretty darn cute in those glasses though!

1:44 PM  
Blogger Patois42 said...

Hey, I want those cool frames, too.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Tania - Chicky Chicky Baby said...

He looks totally cool in those frames but I think the major point not to be overlooked here is...

Dear GAWD, he looks JUST like you in those glasses. A boy version of you but still, you.

So I guess that means you look totally cool in your glasses too, right? ;)

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My daughter went through that phase. She went for the blue frames too. Go to the dollar, let him pick out a pair of reading glasses and take out the lenses.

12:54 AM  
Anonymous mrs. q. said...

Ha! So cute. The children in this family are all doomed to wear glasses.

I can give him some of my old Tina Fey glasses to wear. I'll have to pop out the coke-bottle lenses first, or his eyes will turn to laser beams. Shazam!

9:45 AM  
Blogger Melani said...

He's too cute for words! I have been wearing glasses/contacts since I was 14 and so far one of my four kids needs glasses, so, like you, I am sure it is just a matter of time before they all need them.

2:10 PM  
Blogger Suburb Sierra said...

We had our appointment yesterday. The Dr is on the fence. Doesn't think we should get any for the little lady just yet - but he said in a year it's inevitable. Struggling with just doing it or waiting. Boo. Wanted the easy answer.

12:02 PM  
Blogger Kellee said...

Oh so cute!!

11:23 PM  

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